Wednesday, January 21, 2015

An Honor or an Insult?

The recent Martin Luther King day made me realize the parallels between so many of our fabulous messengers ... we worship the messengers and ignore the message. Martin Luther King's message was no different than the messengers before him ... LOVE EACH OTHER. So, what do we do? We name streets after him, we celebrate his birthday, we have books, articles, and statues of him all in "honor" of him while we insult him by ignoring his message. We don't honor messengers by praising them and making sure we don't forget them, we honor them by emulating them and doing what they did and taught. It's like learning how to use a computer and writing an article about computers on a typewriter. If we don't use the computer, learning about it was an act of futility. If all we do is remember what they did and said we are simply a library. If our actions don't change their message was in vain.

 The perspective that some of us are more important than others is the barrier to kindness and kindness is how we show we love each other. If we wait to offer kindness to those who are kind to us first, the world becomes full of people waiting for kindness but if we offer kindness first we live in a world full of people being kind. If I just make eye contact, say hi, open the door for the person in front of me and hold it for the one behind me, I feel good about it. At the end of the day I reflect back and pay attention to how it makes me feel. At the very least I experience myself as being kind which is much better than the alternative. Being kind to others is how we are kind to ourselves and when we feel good about ourselves we are kind to others. It's all cyclical.

Celebrating their birthdays while we ignore their message is an insult. Forgetting their names while living their message is the greatest honor we could offer.

Friday, January 16, 2015

New Blog

Introducing the new My Logical God blog. Most of what religion taught me just didn't make sense once I started to question it. I share most of those questions and the perspectives I arrived at in the book but I don't want my spiritual growth to become stagnant. It is on this blog I intend to share my new questions and perspectives. If you are reading, or have read My Logical God and have questions or would like for me to expound on anything please contact me and I will do so here for all to see. Please share your comments and opinions but please do so respectfully. I know this can be a passionate subject.

Thank you for your continued support.